Hello everybody! I have a great announcement to make – Today is my BARKDAY! I am EIGHT years old! Aroo… roo… ROO!
I have always celebrated my past birthdays with yummy cakes. Thankfully, this year was no exception.
Here’s a photo of me waiting patiently for my cake. Can you see it resting on the kitchen stove? |
Not only was there a cake; but the Missus had also made some meatballs! |
Look at the booti-ful barkday spread! I couldn’t wait to sink my canines in! |
Check out my gorgeous cake. The Missus had baked it in the shape of the figure “8”. It was filled with beef, decorated with sausages and bacon bits and prepared with a special ingredient - LOVE! |
Look at me. I’m eight and still a very handsome, sexy stud! Wey-hey! |
By the way, I didn’t spend my barkday alone. I haven’t had a chance to tell you yet, but we have a guest staying with us at the moment. Her name is Sakura and she’s a Japanese Spitz. She was definitely invited to my barkday pawty. (More on Sakura in my next posting - I don’t want her to upstage my barkday post!).
I quickly gave Sakura some tips on how to ‘succeed’ at barkday pawties.
“Pssst… Sakura, if you want yummy food, you’ve got to wear a silly hat and pose nicely for some photos.” |
Sakura was a natural. Here we are wearing our silly pawty hats... |
... and how to pose nicely for the camera.
“Is it time to eat yet? I’m starving!” |
By this time, my patience was beginning to wear thin and my tummy was growling. As you can see, my eyes were fixed to the cake. Man… I was literally drooling!
I couldn’t wait any longer and made a dash for the meatballs. Sakura could only stare in awe as I gobbled the lot. (They were so much better than Ikea’s!) |
Soon it was time for the ‘main event’ – the ceremonial scoffing of the barkday cake!
The Missus started to cut us some small portions… |
…needless to say, they didn’t last long on my plate… |
…especially when Sakura started ‘helping out’. (Mental note: Don’t invite other dogs to next year’s barkday pawty!) |
Within minutes, almost half of the cake was gone. |
However, that didn’t stop us circling around like vultures! |
Soon enough, Dad was cutting even more portions for us. |
Ta-Da! Exactly half of my cake gone! I got a real shock when the Missus suggested that she might keep the ‘0’ for my 10th barkday pawty. I’m sure she was only joking, right? |
Let me leave you with one final picture of the ‘Barkday Boy’. |
“Happy Barkday to Meeeee, Happy Barkday to Meeeee…”
Arooo… roo…ROO…WOO!