Saturday, 29 November 2008

Conquering 'The Stairs'

As I mentioned in my last posting, I’ve been having some difficulties with the stairs in my new home. Originally, the steps were bare wood and they were so slippery that I was scared to use them. Then, my humans put some carpeting down especially for me. This was a great help as my big paws could actually get some grip.

Eventually, I picked up the courage to try and climb the stairs. Here’s a video clip showing the ‘ups and downs’ during my learning process.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Grrrreat Work!

And a grrrrreat workout if woo do it enough times!

That was furry nice of your people to put down the kharpet parts fur trakhtion!

All Hail King Homer!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Homer!
Good job conquering those stairs!
Glad you got my card!
Kisses and hugs

MJ's doghouse said...

wow good job homer....i am not a fan of stairs either...but it doesnt matter cuz our new house has no stairs

Duke said...

Look at you go, Homer! Seeeeeeeeee, practice makes perfect!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Hi Homer! Thanks for visiting my blog. Congratulations on learning to go up and down those scary-looking stairs. It was smart of your humans to put carpeting on the stairs for you, but mostly you were very, very brave! I've enjoyed looking at the pictures of the Netherlands and your cute new home there. It's fun to have a new friend. Woofs from Florida!

Amber-Mae said...

Hey! The carpeting is a good idea! Good to know you're getting used to the stairs now. Yeah, it takes some time. I hate stairs with gaps between them like yours. It's scawie coz we can see below!!!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Homer!!!!!!
Great work!!!!you're great great great climber!!!!!
you're humans are very sweet to put carpeting on the stairs for you...but the the greatest job have done you!!!Superrrrrrrr!!!!
We're honored to be your've shown to have a lot of courage!!!
and the staircases don't now have any secret anymore for you!!!
We hate stairs and we go down only from the staircases if care to the arm of mother!!!
But not to tell it anybody!!!
Do you help us to become good as you??:-))))))
Lots of love dear friends and thanks for your photo on guestbook!!!
You're very very handsome!!!!

L said...

Good job with the stairs. We are lucky that we don't have scary stairs like that in our house!

We just received your card. Did your hat and scarf keep you warm in the snow?

Pipa said...

Sweet Homer! You are a hero!
Did you see that awsome movie, "300", with Gerard Butler, about the spartans??
Well, you're a doggie Leonidas! You won the war against those evil persian stairs!
TONIGHT YOU DINE UPSTAIRS!! (well, you probably have to see the movie to understand this message... BOL)

The Netherlands are soooooooooooo bootiful, homie!

Dexter said...

Thanks for the great Christmas card!

You are very athletic on those stairs. They look scary not having any risers. You could fall through!


Samantha: said...

Homer - you are priceless! I love the video - you learn fassssttt! Good job! Mom just started a new blog for me ( I wish you lived closer to me, but I'll be looking at your pix and videos! Woof! Lick, lick xoxo Sammie

Bae Bae said...

That's great. You're brave and learning fast. ;)

~ Bae

Dino and Family said...

Bravo, Homer! You are a natural! Enjoy your new home! Love, Dino

Unknown said...

Hi Homer,

Thanks for showing me this link! It was great watching you conquer the stairs and I think that is a really clever idea of your humans'!

Thanks for the tip - although I think in my case, my humans don't actually want me to use those stairs that much - even if they are carpeted - 'coz they are very steep and bad for my joints (am a middle-aged girl now!) and they only lead to the basement of the house anyway - so they don't really want to encourage me to go up & down them too much anyway! :-) We can actually get the the garden at the back by going around the side of the house but it is a bit of a pain - and anyway, I don't need a big garden - the small patch of grass at the front is fine for sunning - I get all my exercise on my daily walks anyway.

But thanks so much for thinking of me and the helpful suggestion!

Honey the Great Dane