I have a heavy heart today. I have just found out that two of my good pals, Spencer the golden retriever and Lemon the cat, have sadly passed away.
I want to take this opportunity to pay a special tribute to Spencer and Lemon. Run free my friends. We are going to miss you!
To Spencer’s and Lemon’s humans – we are thinking of you. Please take good care of yourself.
I want to take this opportunity to pay a special tribute to Spencer and Lemon. Run free my friends. We are going to miss you!
To Spencer’s and Lemon’s humans – we are thinking of you. Please take good care of yourself.
Homer and family
In Loving Memory of Spencer
March 1, 1998 - February 17, 2009
In Loving Memory of Lemon
October 20, 2003 - January 27, 2009

w00f's Homer, me will has to put this on the news...me didnt last nite..soo u meeted 3 babes, thats cool..
b safe,
Moving tribute to Spencer and Lemon.
Homer, you're very nice and kind to friends.
Love you lots!
Furry nice!
We happy to see Honey bakhk last night but then sad when we saw the news about Lemon...
AND then this am, we got leaky again after seeing Suzuki's post...
Hugz&Khysses to woo and your peeps!
Hi Homer - you have a very big heart. That's a very nice tribute to Spencer and Lemon.
Your pal,
I'm so sowwy about the loss of youw fwiends spencew and Lemon..theywill be welcomed wif open paws by my sissie and bwuvvew and so many of ouw deaw fweinds..we will all meet again some day..twy to wemembew youw bootiful memowies
smoochie kisses
Hey OH (Other Homer),
We're all a bit despondent about losing Spencer. We didn't know Lemon but we will howl for him to DOG when we howl for Spencer. That was a very nice tribute to your friends. You're a good blog friend; please don't leave anytime soon because you are too young to go.
I am so sad to know about Spencer and Lemon.
We are praying for their families
Take care
Kisses and hugs
That is so sad. :(
~ Bae
Sweet Homie,
Sad times. Very sad times.
Yeah, it was a shock actually. First I heard the bad news in Dino's blog about Lemon & then immediately after that, I heard Spencer passed away. Very very sad indeed...
Sadly we didn't get to know either of them! Our hearts are breaking for their families!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
OHHHHH Homie....
you're sooooooooooooo sweet and we love you a lot!!!!
our hearts are broken for these terrible loss...
all our thougts and prayers are for Spencie and Lemon's family in this sad time....
thanks for sharing with us your love for Spencie!!!
take care dear Homie...
lots of love and kisses
The Rainbow Bridge
Right next to the Sky is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal that has been especially close to someone dies, goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all our special friends can run and play together. There is enough food, water and sunshine and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All animals were sick or too old regain health and vigor, those wounded or maimed again become strong again, while we remember them in our dreams. The animals are happy, except for one small thing: every one misses that special someone left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. The sparkle in his eyes is intense, your body begins to quiver. Suddenly he leaves the group, flying over the green grass, faster and faster. It has recognized you, and when finally you and your special friend meet, they grab each other in joyful assembly, to never be separated. Happiness kisses rain upon your face, your hands again caress the beloved head, and again towards those trusting eyes, who long ago moved out of your life but never absent in your heart.
Together is when crossing the Rainbow Bridge ...
Author Unknown
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