Now my walks take place in much milder weather. Take a look at what I saw during a recent outing...
The birds were out in force and they’re getting ready for ‘mating’. (Whatever that is? I think they have sex with bees!)...
...and the flowers were starting to bloom.
It was truly an idyllic setting for my walk...
This little chap was also soaking up the scenery.
We stopped for a sniff.
We then came across a funny looking two-legged dog. I’ve decided to call him ‘Wally’.
Dad soon made friends with Wally and his pals.
They all got along very well.
I must admit, I was a little bit jealous that Dad was giving his attention to Wally rather than me. Hmph!
Finally, I bumped into ‘Floor’, a three year old female golden retriever.
We were soon bouncing around like 'mad march hares'. More about this another time.
By the time my walk was finished, I was exhausted. What better way to end a spring walk than with a relaxing sit on a park bench.
I bet woo are soooo furry happy woo get to experience such a grrrreat mix of seasons!
Tank woo fur sharing the lovely pikhs!
Yeah Spring is in my place too. Good to see you Homer, your place is nice in Springtime. Please say hello to Wally and his gang next time, Homer.
Good to see you again. and what a great walk. I too am looking forward to Spring. =)
Yeah, Homer, we know what you mean about "seasons" -- or the lack there of. Here in South Florida it's mostly hot -- then chilly for a bit -- then maybe a little colder -- but the changes are really subtle and you'll miss them if you blink.
We wonder if Wally is an exotic goose -- he is quite elegant.
Enjoy your sprunging into spring!!
Jake and Just Harry
Hi Homer! Great to see you enjoying spring. Everything looks so pretty there. Nice to meet Wally. You got to sit ON the bench? I have to sit nicely next to them - hmph!
See ya!
Hi Homre, I'm blog hopping in here :)
I really enjoy looking at your pictures, you are very adorable!
Good to know that Spring is already in the corner, here in Jakarta - Indonesia, we still are having rains almost everyday. So everytime when the sun comes out, Adele with her 2 puppies will go in the front yard for sun bathing :)
Hi, Homer!
I have never seen snow in my life but it looks much better to have a nice walkie without it!
You met there nice friends and Wally!
Kisses and hugs
You and FLoor look so much alike!
- Charlie
It's been spring here for a while. Soon it will get really hot for us, so we are trying to enjoy the nice weather. Your park looks very nice with lots of fun stuff to sniff and chase.
Ph Homer, your walkie sound berry interesting!!!! and we love your new place. Berry bootiful.
slurpy licks,
Spring looks pawsome at your side... It's just hot over here in singapaw..
~ Bae
Hi Homer! Nice afternoon you got there! It almost seems like a capture from a movie set :) great place!
Enjoy the spring time
Licks Pu
Nice to see that Spring has sprung in your area! Those are great pictures. We are still waiting for 'Spring' to show up here in Virginia!!
Don't wowwy, youw Dad was just momentawily distwacted wif Wally and his fwiends..You awe his favowite fow suwe!!!
I love youw pictoowe wif pwettyFloow..bouncing awound wif the spiwit of spwing!
What a gweat walk
smoochie kisses
Well have you been/ Like we've been worried that you fell into a canal and were swept out to sea. Spring is coming here too. It was 82 degrees "F" here the other day but it was sleeting this morning. Did you know the Kingsley The border Collie is moving from Singapore to The Netherlands?
Do you already know him. What a coincidence.
Ya know, you ARE the epitome of a Casanova the way you just happen to bump into these female Golden Retrievers all the time; there's something fishy. Glad you're back, we missed hearing from you.
Your dad is very brave to approach the mating swans! Tell him to be very careful, Homer! Some of them can be quite nasty!
Your pictures are just lovely!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ooh - Homer, what a great post! I love all your pictures, especially the one of you and Floor bouncing around together.
Hey, we also have some 'Wally-dogs' in our park too! But they are really scary - if I get too close, they hiss at me and once they chased me across the park, trying to bite my bum! Now I make sure my humans steer well clear of them when we go walking in the park...!
Honey the Great Dane
HI Homer! We are excited for spring time too! Your new friends look nice! And Floor is beautiful! Love joey and Kealani
OHHHHHH Dear Homie!!!
you finnaly are back!!!!
we miss you a lot dear friend!!!
how are you??
You are still in Holland??
Great post!!!
we love doggie walkies with mom and dad and your pictures are wonderful!!!
you look very very happy!!!!YEAHHHHHH!!!!
you live in a super country...we hope to know you if you'll be in holland!!!!
have a great weekend!!!
We love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
kisses and licks dear friends!!!
wow homer..you sure are handsome sitting there on the bench...i hope you are having a fun springtime..pretty soon the tulips will be up and you can go to kinderdyk and see the windmills and flowers...
Lovely walkie! What a beautiful spring you are having! Enjoy! Love, Dino
Glad to see you are bloggin again Homer. The pictures are great! It looks like you have a lovely place to go for a nice long walk.
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