Friday, 25 September 2009

Goodbye Netherlands and Hello Italy

So, it’s happening, I am leaving my beloved Holland for pastures new. I must say, that I am looking forward to my new life in Milan. On the other hand, I can’t help reminiscing about my time in the Netherlands.

I have been so happy here and the humans have been so friendly to me. I have also had the opportunity to experience so many things which were new to me. For example, I have played in the snow; saw booti-ful flowers; frolicked on the beach; took my first train ride and had a million other pleasurable adventures.

On my daily walks I have met many amazing characters. Who could forget Floor, or my good friend Wally, or even my encounter with the Star Wars characters.

I have made such wonderful doggy and human friends here. Most memorable of all have been Henk, Nelie and Amy , who have taken such wonderful care of me when my humans haven’t been around. I ‘woof’ you.

And so it’s time to say:

Tot ziens Nederlands

Ciao Italia!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

My Journey from Rotterdam to Milan

As I told you all in my last blog, my humans and I are moving from Rotterdam in the Netherlands to Milan in Italy. In the past, I have always flown 'Business Class' during my relocations. (If you don't believe me, check it out here and here). However, for this journey, my humans have decided that we will drive to our destination.

Here's some maps showing our planned journey.

The distance from Rotterdam to Milan is over 1,000 km. To break up the journey, we are going to spend a night in Strasbourg, France.

Here's the route from Rotterdam to Strasbourg. (It's not quite as far as South Korea to China or from China to the Netherlands.

View Larger Map

After spending the night in Strasbourg, we will complete the last leg of our journey down to Milan.

I'll let you know our adventures after we arrive...

Monday, 21 September 2009

Going Places

I was recently sniffing around the house when I came across something rather disturbing.

All of my toys were appearing in boxes. I certainly didn’t put them there!

Some of these are my favourite friends...

...I hope they are not too cramped in there.

“What’s going on Missus?”

Wait a minute. This suddenly looks very familiar. My mind is flashing back to here and here.

This can only mean one thing. We are on the move again.

"Where are we going Missus?"

After much cajoling, I finally got Missus to reveal where we are moving to. Unfortunately, we are going to leave Holland (Sob...!). But, we are going to start a new adventure in...

Drum roll please...

Milan, Italy. Yippee...! I will get to see Paco, Milo and Mya. (Not to mention some of the other dogs of Italy).

Italy will be the sixth different country in which I have lived. (Following Australia , Singapore, South Korea, China and the Netherlands).

I’ll keep you informed of my movements as they develop...

Tot ziens/Ciao!

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Me, Lobke and Amy

A couple of weeks ago, my humans and I went up to Aalsmeer to visit Henk, Nelie and Amy. I was very happy to hear that another Golden female would be staying with Amy for the weekend. I was even more happy when I discovered that the lady in question was Lobke. Those of you with very good memories will recall that I met Lobke almost a year ago.

Here’s Amy, with Lobke on the right. I wonder whether Lobke remembers me?

Amy and Lobke goofing around.

Here’s the three of us together with yours truly in the middle. Check out our smiley faces!

Henk and Nelie had a special treat in store for my humans. They took us to Boerderij Meerzicht, a very traditional Dutch restaurant which serves Pannenkoeken (Dutch Pancakes).

Here we are queuing to go inside. Man, we could really smell those lovely pancakes!

Ta-da! Four different kinds of pannenkoeken. As the Dutch would say “lekker!”(Delicious!)

After the humans were well fed, they took us all for a very nice walk in the Dutch countryside.

We got to run, explore and even swim in the nearby lake. Don’t we look dirty?

Once we were all cleaned-up, we posed for one last picture. Boy, we'd had so much fun!

Friday, 18 September 2009

Homer the Sailor Dog

Recently, as a special treat, Henk and Nelie took us all out for a boat trip on the lake at Aalsmeer. Here’s some photos from our adventure.

Henk was our captain for the journey. Here he is getting the boat prepared. Can you see the little bucket on board? I was a bit worried when Henk told us that it was for bailing out water if we spring a leak!

Here we all are ready to get started. (Missus was the photographer for the day).

And we’re off! I was so looking forward to my maiden voyage. This was my first time in a boat.

There were lots of booti-ful boats in the marina... was very charming.

I soon found my ‘sea legs’.

What’s that in the water?

Is it the Loch Ness Monster?

Suddenly, something interesting caught my eye. Look! It’s maidens on shore! “Ahoy there!”

Check out these gorgeous girls! They are actually Amy's sisters!

Doesn't she look like Amy?

We said our farewells and continued with the boat trip.

This is me doing my ‘Titanic’ pose.

Eventually, our great voyage came to an end and we had to get back onto dry land. It had been a really fantastic journey and I can’t wait to get back out on the ocean waves.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

My Amy

Those of you who follow my blog will know that I have developed a soft spot for Amy. I’m not the most romantic dog in the world, but I hope she won’t mind my making this little gesture. I hope she enjoys it…

Monday, 14 September 2009

The UnDutchables II

As you know, I seldom feature humans in my blog. However, there is one special couple for whom I will definitely make an exception. I’d like to introduce you to Nelie and Henk. These are the wonderful people who have looked after me whenever my humans have taken a holiday during the past year.

Nelie and Henk (along with Amy, Lobke and yours truly).

Nelie is Amy’s mum. She’s a real dog lover.

And this is Henk. Missus calls him ‘the Dogfather’.

We’ve all become close friends over the past year. Here’s Henk, Dad and Nelie lounging around. As usual, I am trying to get closer to Amy.

Henk, Dad and Amy.

I love it when I go to visit Henk and Nelie. Not only do I get to spend time with Amy, but Henk always takes me for fantastic walks in the Dutch countryside…

…although we sometimes walk in opposite directions.

Here’s a video, directed by Nelie, of Henk, Amy and me on one of our regular walks.

I want to dedicate this blog to Henk and Nelie. Thanks for taking such good care of me and for showing me so much love. Woof!

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

The UnDutchables

A few weeks ago, Missus went to a dog show in Rotterdam. Unfortunately, as usual, I didn’t get to tag along. Anyway, Missus took loads of photos while she was there. Here’s a selection of my favourites:

The show was called the: ‘Stichting Hondententoonstelling Rotterdam’ (Foundation Dog Show Rotterdam)

The Golden Retrievers in the show ring. (None of them are as handsome as me of course!)

An English Setter

A Briad. Where’s his face?

A Gordon Setter

A judge inspects an English Cocker Spaniel.

Check out this poodle with its frou-frou clad legs.

“Me! Me! PICK ME!”

A dainty looking Chinese Crested.

And, here are some of the winners –

Best Couples. The Bracco Italiano came in first followed by the Stabyhoun.

The Pekingneses in this photo are father and daughter.

Best In Show. First place went to a Petit Basset Griffon. Second was an Irish Setter. And an Airdale Terrier at third place. Don’t they look amazing?

The audience was filled with ardent doggy fans...

Here’s a youngster getting his first taste of a dog show...

...whilst these guys had seen it all before.

The judges were all esteemed experts.

And look at all of the prizes on offer. “The winner takes it all.”

It was a truly memorable dog show. Of course, it wasn’t all glamorous poses. Here’s a selection of candid shots taken behind the scenes...

“I’ll get my forty winks before it’s my turn.”

Some of the Goldens gathered to catch up on the gossip and exchange beauty tips…

…and this one had food on his mind. “Give me! Give me!”

“What are you looking at?”

“I’m so bored...when is it going to be my turn?”

A Cavalier Kings Charles Spaniel – “Look at me! I’m booti-ful!”

A Malinoi giving its owner a loving hug.

This little golden puppy had a big dream: “One day I’m going to be a star!”

This gorgeous Airdale is all trimmed and ready to go!

The gorgeous Border Collies.

Missus finished the photo session with a couple of special shots...

First, she managed to catch a snap of Professor Dumbledor from the Harry Potter movies.

Then, (with Dumbledor’s help) she managed to assemble all of the dogs in the show for a group picture.

Alright folks, that’s all for today. I’ll be back blogging soon . Watch this space.