In my
last blog, I told you about the packing materials which had mysteriously turned-up at our house.
Well, pretty soon, boxes started appearing everywhere. |
Some of them were even filled with my favourite toys! |
"Who put these here?" |
"If you can't beat 'em...join 'em!" I decided to take matters into my own paws and pack stuff myself . |
Now that we're all packed, I suppose I'd better tell you where we are headed... |
...are you ready?...
...five years after I last lived there, I'm going back to...
Maybe woo khan meet my Sibe pals there!!!
Of khourse, Mom and I are sweating thinking about living there but.....
We khan't wait to hear more!
Wow Homer you sure get around alot,looking forward to your posts about it.
Have a good move
See Yea George xxx
Oh Homer, how exciting that you're going to a new, but familiar place that will no doubt have lots of fun and adventures!! I so hope you'll not stop blogging because I've gotten pretty attached to you!!! :-))
Hokey Smokes Homer, we wish you and your humans nothing but safe travels and blue skies.
Hamish & Sophie
I hope everything goes well with the moving!
You are so good helping with the packing, Homer!
Kisses and hugs
wow! I wish you safe travels. really enjoyed seeing snipets of daily life in Italy. We all look forward to hearing about your journey. I hope Homer travels well too, he seems to be a go-with-the-flow guy. Missus, you should write a book about Homer and his travels, a happy one like Jacks. Your a good writer , it would be great! Arrivederci!!
Thank goodness there are enough boxes for all your toys, Homer. We hope the move to Singapore is something that makes you all happy. And we also hope that the whole move thing goes well.
We know that Lucille is going to be very disappointed:(
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Safe journey. From the look of things you're going pretty soon. Are you taking Homer on Lufthansa ?
What a jet setter you are you are excited!
It looks like you'll be moving back to Singapore any day now, Homer. Take a last look around to make sure you didn't forget any of your toys!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Singapore? NO!!! Why not Malaysia? Well, I guess you could always drive to Malaysia from Singapore. No biggie. Are you excited t go back? Bet you gonna miss all the people & dogs you got to know in Milan.
You sure get to live & visit some pawsome places! I can't wait to read about you new adventures in Singapore. I would love to read about how your family prepares for your moving to all these different places... our goldens only get rides to the bank or the park & sometimes out of state, but they never get to travel to all the places you do. Lucky dog, actually, you have lucky peeps.
My dear Homer,
I will miss you tremendously... :(
But I truly hope you will find a new girlfriend soon in Singapore...
Such a handsome guy like yourself will have no difficulties at all!!!
But please be selective... She has to be very nice, ok?
I will stay heart broken here, waiting for you to come back!!!
Let me know when you are arrived, ok?
Ciao Lucille
w00fs, wow Homer, u sure does move a lot...Hope u has fun in Singapore..
b safe,
What an adventurous fambly you have! Your PAWSport must have many and many stamps on it!
Hi Homer! I bet you all are very excited with the move to Singapore! Hope everything goes well!
Thor and Jack
You are without question the most traveled doggie we know. But moving half way around the world! Again! Makes us tired just thinking about it. Do you travel on the same plane as your pawrents? Do you have your own passport?
Have a safe trip. We're looking forward to seeing your new home, once you get settled. Too bad you're having to leave your garden behind just as it's starting to really grow.
Jed & Abby
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